How to check the abnormal noise of the laser pipe cutting chuck?

Check the steps before the laser pipe cutting chuck:


  1. The gear mesh is too loose or too tight:


Too loose meshing will cause noise and impact between the driving gear and the driven gear during the transmission process, the service life of the gears will be affected, and the abnormal noise of the laser pipe cutting chuck will also appear. If the gear mesh is too loose, there will be a slight impact sound during the back and forth rotation of the laser cutting chuck.


Too tight gear meshing will first cause obvious vibration to the entire machine bed, and the installation fastness of the fastening screws will be directly affected. The tooth surface of the gear will be squeezed, the service life of the gear will be shortened, and the abnormal noise of the laser pipe cutting chuck will appear.  The gears are tightly meshed, and the sound generated during the back and forth rotation of the laser pipe cutting chuck is relatively low.


  1. There is abnormal sound when the bearing rotates:


The reducer gear is disengaged, and the laser front chuck is manually rotated separately, if there is abnormal noise. The abnormal noise can be divided into the abnormal noise caused by the bearing or the abnormal noise caused by the interference between the laser chuck body and the bearing seat screw.



  1. The motor reducer is abnormal:


Remove the reducer together with the motor, and turn the reducer independently to confirm whether there will be any abnormal noise.


Look at the cleanliness of the tooth surface of the gear: avoid the waste of the meshing position of the two gears or the tooth surface from falling onto the tooth surface to cause extrusion and abnormal noise during transmission.




Check the stuck steps after the laser pipe cutting chuck:


  1. Is the gear meshing normal?


Check whether the meshing of the pneumatic rear card gear is normal, and avoid the abnormal sound of the rear card rotation caused by too loose or too tight. You can properly add gear grease to the pneumatic rear card or adjust the gear mesh to adjust the rotation sound.


  1. Abnormal sound of air distributor:


Confirm whether the anti-rotation plate screw of the pneumatic rear card is locked, so as to avoid locking the air distributor to death, causing abnormal noise of the rotating rear card and breakage of the air distribution.



  1. Tooth surface cleaning:


Check the gear tooth surface for waste residue and waste extrusion.


  1. Displacement of dust extraction pipe:


Not at the center of rotation, if there is a slight displacement in the middle of the hollow laser pipe cutting chuck rear chuck, scratches will occur between the dust extraction pipe and the inner hole of the middle body during the rotation of the laser pipe cutting chuck rear chuck. If there is a displacement, the dust extraction pipe can be removed and reinstalled.


One of the reasons why many enterprises choose Dairuike laser chuck is its commitment to quality and excellent performance. When talking about the choice of Dairuike chucks, a user said that they went deep into the production workshop of Dairuike to fully understand and feel that Dairuike laser chucks can meet their needs for pipe processing. In addition, DaiRuike has performed well in after-sales service and can respond to customer needs conveniently and quickly.


The user further mentioned that after purchasing the Dairuike laser pipe cutting chuck, they received continuous service support. The Dai Ruike team often takes the initiative to contact them, understand the use of the laser chuck through telephone or online training, and provide timely technical support. This thoughtful service strengthened their confidence in choosing Dai Ruike and confirmed that their choice was correct.


These feedbacks show that Dairuike is favored for its excellent product quality, comprehensive after-sales service and quick response to customer needs. Businesses choose Dairuike laser pipe cutting chucks because they trust Dairuike to meet their needs and provide a reliable solution. This firm choice reflects Dairuike’s good reputation and customer trust in the laser chuck industry.


laser pipe cutting chuck



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